For the most up-to-date list of publications and bibliometric information, check Kai Lorenzen’s Google Scholar Page. If you can’t access a paper you are interested in, email Kai ( to receive it for free.
Henry, R.D., Strickland, P.A., Barthel, B. Winston, B. & Lorenzen, K. (2024). Hurricane-induced dramatic decline and natural recovery of a vulnerable sportfish population: shoal bass (Micropterus cataractae) in the Chipola River, Florida. Science of the Total Environment 954: 176306. LINK
Perry, D., Siders, Z.A., Crandall, C., Morales, N., Arlinghaus, R., Lorenzen, K. & Camp, E. (2024). Commitment of freshwater anglers and its relation to their preferences for stocking and other management actions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 81: 768-780. LINK (open access)
Marin, C., Adewumi, O.M., Asche, F., Garlock, T.M., Kristofersson, D.M., Lorenzen, K. & Yang, B. (2024). Does seafood trade enhance seafood availability in developing countries? The case of Nigeria. Marine Policy 161: 106030. LINK
Chong, L., Siders, Z., Lorenzen, K., Ahrens, R. & Camp, E. & (2024). Global synthesis of effects and feedbacks from artificial reefs on socioecological systems in recreational fisheries. Fish and Fisheries 25: 303-319. LINK (open access)
Garlock, T. Asche, F. Anderson, J.D., Hilsenroth, J., Lorenzen, K., Pincinato, R.B.M. & Tveterås, R. (2023). Global and regional determinants of diversity in blue foods. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 31 LINK
Chong, L. Fisch, N., Borsum, J.S., Granneman, J., Perry, D., Love, G., Hall-Scharf, B., Botta, R. Lorenzen, K., Camp, E. & Siders, Z. (2023). Examining the performance of alternative harvest regulations for short-lived taxa: A case study of Florida bay scallop management. Fisheries Research 263: 106683. LINK
Arthur, R., Valbo-Jørgensen, J., Lorenzen, K., Kelkar, N. (2023). Stocking in inland food fisheries of South and Southeast Asia: issues, risks and rewards. Fisheries Management and Ecology (early view) LINK
Lorenzen, K. (2022). Size- and age-dependent natural mortality in fish populations: Biology, models, implications, and a generalized length-inverse mortality paradigm. Fisheries Research 255: 106454. LINK
Lorenzen, K., Camp, E.V. & Garlock, T.M. (2022). Natural mortality and body size in fish populations. Fisheries Research 252: 106327. LINK
MacNamara, R., Camp, E.V., Shane, M., Lorenzen, K. & Drawbridge, M. (2022). Optimizing marine stock enhancement through modeling: a sex-specific application with California halibut Paralichthys californicus. Fisheries Research 252: 106341. LINK
Garlock, T, Anderson, J. Asche, F. Smith, M.D., Camp, E., Chu, J., Lorenzen, K. & Vannuccini, S. (2022). Global insights on managing fishery systems for the three pillars of sustainability. Fish and Fisheries 23: 899-909. LINK
Twardek, W. Cowx, I.G., Lapointe, N.W.R., Paukert, C., Beard, T.D., Bennett, E.M., Browne, D., Carlson, A.K., Clarke, K.D., Hogan, Z., Lorenzen, K., Lynch, A.J., McIntyre, P.B., Pompeu, P., Rogers, M., Sakas, A., Taylor, W.W., Ward, T.D., Zeenatul, B. & Cooke, S.J. (2022). Bright spots for inland fish and fisheries to guide future hydropower development. Water Biology and Security 1: 100009. LINK (open access)
Lorenzen, K., Leber, K.M., Loneragan, N.R., Schloesser, R.W. & Taylor, M.D. (Editors) (2021). Developing and Integrating Enhancement Strategies to Improve and Restore Fisheries: Proceedings of the Tenth FSU–Mote International Symposium on Fisheries Ecology and Sixth International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching. Bulletin of Marine Science 97. LINK (all papers open access)
Lorenzen, K., Leber, K.M., Loneragan, N.R., Schloesser, R.W. & Taylor, M.D. (2021). Developing and integrating enhancement strategies to improve and restore fisheries. Bulletin of Marine Science 97: 475-488. LINK (open access)
National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). (2021) Data and Management Strategies for Recreational Fisheries with Annual Catch Limits. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. LINK (open access)
Doria, C.R.C., Dutka-Gianelli, J., Paes de Souza, M., Lorenzen, K. & Athayde, S. (2021) Stakeholder’s perceptions on the governance of fisheries systems transformed by hydroelectric dam development in the Madeira River, Brazil. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9: 575514. LINK (open access)
Cooke, S.J., Twardek, W.M., Lynch, A.J., Cowx, I.G., Olden, J.D., Funge-Smith, S., Lorenzen, K., Arlinghaus, R., Chen, Y., Weyl, O.L.F., Nyboer, E.A., Pompeu, P.S., Carlson, S.M., Koehn, J.D., Pinder, A.C., Raghavan, R., Phang, S., Koning, A.A., Taylor, W.W., Bartley D. & Britton, J.R. (2021) A global perspective on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on freshwater fish biodiversity. Biological Conservation 253:108932. LINK
Mintzer, V.J., da Silva, V.M.F., Martin, A.R., Frazer, T.K. & Lorenzen, K. (2020) Protected area evaluation for the conservation of endangered Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis). Biological Conservation 252: 108851. LINK
Camp, E.V., Lorenzen, K. & Taylor, M.D. (2020) Impacts of habitat repair on a spatially complex fishery. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 244: 106102. LINK
Crandall, C.A., Monroe, M. & Lorenzen, K. (2020) Why won’t they listen to us? Communicating science in contentious situations. Fisheries 45: 42-45. LINK
Garlock, T., Asche, F. Anderson, J. Bjørndal, T., Kumar, G. Lorenzen, K., Ropicki, A. Smith, M.D. & Tveterås, R. (2020) A global blue revolution: Aquaculture growth across regions, species, and countries. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture. 28: 107-116. LINK
Camp, E.V., Ahrens, R.N.M., MacDonald, T.C., Thompson, K.A. & Lorenzen, K. (2019). Identifying forage populations of concern: A new perspective based on predator recruitment considerations. Fisheries Research 219: 105319. LINK
Crandall, C.A.C., Monroe, M.C., Dutka-Gianelli, J. & Lorenzen, K. (2019). Meaningful action gives satisfaction: Stakeholder perspectives on participation in the management of marine recreational fisheries. Ocean and Coastal Management 179: 104872. LINK
Lowe, B.S., Jacobson, S.J., Anold, H., Mbonde, A.S. & Lorenzen, K. (2019) The neglected role of religion in fisheries management. Fish and Fisheries 20: 1024-1033. LINK
Lorenzen, K. & Camp, E.V. (2019). Density-dependence in the life history of fishes: When is a fish recruited? Fisheries Research 217: 5-10. LINK
Montes, N., Sidman, C., Lorenzen, K., Tamura, M. & Ishida, T (2019). Influence of fish aggregating devices on the livelihood assets of artisanal fishers in the Caribbean. Ocean and Coastal Management 179: 104823. LINK
Dutka-Gianelli, J., Crandall, C.A., Garlock, T.M., Camp, E.V. & Lorenzen, K. (2019) Effects of short educational workshops on stakeholder knowledge and attitudes on coastal fish stocking programs. Fisheries Management and Ecology 26: 306-309. LINK
Garlock, T.M., Camp, E.V., & Lorenzen, K. (2019). Efficacy of largemouth bass stock enhancement in achieving fishery management objectives in Florida. Fisheries Research 213: 180-189. LINK
Crandall, C.A., Monroe, M., Dutka-Gianelli, J., Fitzgerald, B. & Lorenzen, K. (2018).
How to bait the hook: identifying what motivates anglers to participate in a volunteer angler data program. Fisheries 43: 517-526. LINK
Miller, T., Jones, C.M., Hanson, C., Heppell, S., Jensen, O., Livingston, P., Lorenzen, K., Mills, K., Patterson, W., Sullivan, P. & Wong, R. (2018) Scientific considerations informing Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act reauthorization. AFS Special Committee. Fisheries 43: 533-541. LINK
Asche, F., Garlock, T.M., Anderson, J.L., Bush, S.R., Smith, M.D., Anderson, C.M., Chu, J., Garrett, K.A., Lem, A., Lorenzen, K., Oglend, A., Tveteras, S. & Vanniccini, S. (2018). Three pillars of sustainability in fisheries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: 11221-11225. LINK
Crandall, C.A.C., Garlock, T.M. & Lorenzen, K. (2018) Understanding resource-conserving behaviors among fishers: barotrauma mitigation and the power of subjective norms in Florida’s reef fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38: 271-280. LINK
Camp, E.V., Ahrens, R.N.M., Crandall, C.A & Lorenzen, K. (2018) Angler travel distances: implications for spatial approaches to marine recreational fisheries governance. Marine Policy 87: 263-274. LINK
Tamura, M., Ishida, M., Sidman, C., Montes, N. & Lorenzen, K. (2018) Facilitating co-managed fisheries in the Caribbean region: Good practices and guidance from the CARIFICO experience. Japan International Cooperation Agency and Florida Sea Grant. 36pp.
Lorenzen, K., Ainsworth, C.H., Baker, S.M., Barbieri, L.R., Camp, E.V., Dotson, J.R., Lester, S.E. (2017) Climate change impacts on Florida’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors and options for adaptation. In: E.P. Chassignet, J.W. Jones, V. Misra & J. Obeysekera. (Eds.) Florida’s Climate: Changes, Variations, & Impacts. pp. 427-455. Gainesville, FL: Florida Climate Institute. LINK
Lynch, A.J., Cowx, I.G., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Glaser, S.M., Phang, S.C., Beard, T.D., Bower, S.D., Brooks, J.L., Bunnell, D.B., Claussen, J.E., Cooke, S.J., Kao, Y.-C., Lorenzen, K., Myers, B.J.E., Reid, A.J., Taylor, J.J. & Youn, S. (2017) Inland fisheries – invisible but integral to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda for ending poverty by 2030. Global Environmental Change 47: 167-173. LINK
Littles, C.J., Saucedo, O., van de Kerk, M. & Lorenzen, K. (2017) A framework for exploring how density-dependence early in the life history can affect Louisiana’s brown shrimp fishery. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 9: 419-431. LINK
Lynch, A.J., Cooke, S.J., Beard, T.D., Kao, Y.-C., Lorenzen, K., Song, A.M., Allen, M.S. Basher, Z., Bunnell, D.B., Camp, E.V., Cowx, I.G. Freedman, J.A., Nguyen, V.M., Nohner, J. K., Rogers, M.W. Siders, Z.A., Taylor, W.W. & Youn. S. (2017) Grand challenges in the management and conservation of North American inland fish and fisheries. Fisheries 42: 115-124. LINK
Taylor, M.D., Chick, R.D., Lorenzen, K., Agnalt, A.L., Leber, K.M., Blankenship, H.L., Vander Haegen, G.L. & Loneragan, N.R. (2017) Fisheries enhancement and restoration in a changing world. Fisheries Research 186: 407-412. LINK
Garlock, T.M., Camp, E.V. & Lorenzen, K. (2017) Using fisheries modeling to assess candidate species for marine fisheries enhancement. Fisheries Research 186: 460-467. LINK
Garlock, T.M. & Lorenzen, K. (2017) Marine angler characteristics and attitudes toward stock enhancement in Florida. Fisheries Research 186: 439-445. LINK
Camp, E.V., Larkin, S.L., Ahrens, R.M.N. & Lorenzen, K. (2017) Trade-offs between socioeconomic and conservation management objectives in stock enhancement of marine recreational fisheries. Fisheries Research 186: 446-459. LINK
California Sea Grant (2017) Evaluation of the Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program. Report submitted to California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Project no. P1470005. 12 December 2017. Publication no. CASG-17-010. LINK
Montes, N., Sidman, C., Lorenzen, K., Magloire, A., Honda, M., Tamura, M. & Ishida, M. (2017) Co-Management of FAD fisheries: A socio-economic analysis of offshore fishers residing on CARIFICO member islands. Florida Sea Grant. 68 pp.
Taylor, M.D., Chick, R.D., Lorenzen, K., Agnalt, A.L., Leber, K.M., Blankenship, H.L., Vander Haegen, G.L. & Loneragan, N.R. (Editors) (2017) Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching. Fisheries Research 186. LINK
Cooke, S.J., Allison, E.H., Beard, T.D., Arlinghaus, R., Arthington, A.H., Bartley, D.M., Cowx, I.G., Fuentevilla, C., Leonard, N.J., Lorenzen, K., Lynch, A.J., Nguyen, V.M., Youn, S.-J., Taylor, W.W. & Welcomme, R.L. (2016) On the sustainability of inland fisheries: Finding a future for the forgotten. Ambio 45: 753-764. LINK
Camp, E.V., Ahrens, R.N.M., Allen, M.S. & Lorenzen, K. (2016) Relationships between angler effort and fish abundance in recreational marine fisheries. Fisheries Management and Ecology 23: 264-275. LINK
Lorenzen, K., Cowx, I.G., Entsua-Mensah, R.E.M., Lester, N.P., Koehn, J.D., Randall, R.G., Nam, S., Bonar, S.A., Bunnell, D.B., Venturelli, P., Bower, S.D. & Cooke, S.J. (2016) Stock assessment in inland fisheries: a foundation for sustainable use and conservation. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 26: 405-440. LINK
van de Kerk, M., Jones Littles, C., Saucedo, O. & Lorenzen, K. (2016) The effect of latitudinal variation on shrimp reproductive strategies. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0155266. LINK
Rogers, A., & Lorenzen, K. (2016) Does slow and variable recovery of Diadema antillarum on Caribbean fore-reefs reflect density-dependent habitat selection? Frontiers in Marine Science 3: 63. LINK
Martin, S.M. & Lorenzen, K. (2016) Livelihood diversification in rural Laos. World Development 83: 231-243. LINK
Lorenzen, K. (2016) Toward a new paradigm for growth modeling in fisheries stock assessment: embracing plasticity and its consequences. Fisheries Research 180: 4-22. LINK
Mintzer, V.J. Lorenzen, K., Frazer, T.K. Martin A.R. & da Silva V.M.F (2016) Seasonal movements of river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) in a protected Amazonian floodplain. Marine Mammal Science 32: 664-681. LINK
Cooke, S.J. Bartley, D.M. Beard, T.D. Cowx, I.G., Goddard, C. Fuentevilla, C. Leonard, N. Lynch, A.J. Lorenzen K. & Taylor, W.W. (2016) From ideas to action: Ten steps to responsible inland fisheries that support livelihoods, food security, and healthy aquatic ecosystems. In: Taylor, W.W., Bartley, D., Goddard, C.I., Leonard, N.J. & Welcomme, R.L. (Eds.) Freshwater, Fish, and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. pp. 343-351. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; and American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. LINK
Cooke, S.J., Arthington, A.H., Bonar, S.A., Bower, S.D., Bunnell, D.B., Entsua-Mensah, R.E.M., Funge-Smith, S., Koehn, J.D., Lester, N.P., Lorenzen, K., So, N., Randall, R.G.,Venturelli, P., & Cowx. I.G. (2016) Assessment of inland fisheries: A vision for the future. In: Taylor, W.W., Bartley, D., Goddard, C.I., Leonard, N.J. & Welcomme, R.L. (Eds.) Freshwater, Fish, and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. pp. 45-62. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome; Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; and American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. LINK
Lorenzen, K., Smith, S., Banks, M., Zhang, C., Sohou, Z., Sanjeevan, V.N. & Rosenberg, A. (2016) Fish stock propagation. In: The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment (World Ocean Assessment I). Chapter 13. United Nations – Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea. PDF (or see the whole assessment here).
Arlinghaus, R., Lorenzen, K., Johnson, B.M., Cooke, S.J. & Cowx, I.G. (2016) Management of freshwater fisheries: addressing habitat, people and fishes. In: Craig, J.F., Freshwater Fisheries Ecology. pp. 557-579. Chichester, UK: Wiley. LINK
Sidman, C., Lorenzen,K., Magloire, A. & Sebastien, R. (2015) Toward a sustainbale Caribbean FAD fishery: introducing lures to incentivize co-management efforts. Technical Paper 214, Florida Sea Grant. 26pp.
Mintzer, V.J., Schmink, M., Lorenzen, K. & Frazer, T.K. Martin A.R., da Silva V.M.F (2015) Attitudes and behaviors toward Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) in a sustainable use protected area. Biodiversity and Conservation 24: 247-269. LINK
Lorenzen, K. (2014) Understanding and managing enhancements: why fisheries scientists should care. Journal of Fish Biology 85: 1807-1829. PDF
Camp, E.V., Lorenzen, K., Ahrens, R.N.M. & Allen, M.S. (2014) Stock enhancement to address multiple recreational fisheries objectives: an integrated model applied to red drum Sciaenops occelatus in Florida. Journal of Fish Biology 85: 1868-1889. PDF
Garlock, T. M., Monk, C. T., Lorenzen, K., Matthews, M.D. & St. Mary, C.M. (2014) Effects of hatchery rearing on Florida largemouth bass resource allocation and survival under semi-natural conditions. Journal of Fish Biology 85: 1830-1842. PDF
Barbour, A.B., Adams, A.J. & Lorenzen, K. (2014) Emigration-corrected seasonal survival of a size-structured fish population in a nursery habitat. Marine Ecology Progress Series 514: 191-205. PDF
Sale, P.F. Agardy, T., Ainsworth, C.H., Feist B.E., Bell, J.D., Christie, P., Hoegh-Guldberg., O., Mumby, P.J., Feary, D.H., Saunders, M.I., Daw, T.M., Foale, S.J., Levin, P.S., Lindeman, K.C., Lorenzen, K., Pomeroy, R.S. Allison, E.H., Bradbury, R.H., Corrin, J., Edwards, A.J., Oburat, D.O., Sadovy de Mitcheson, Y., Samoilys, M. A., Sheppard, C.R.C. (2014) Transforming management of tropical coastal seas to cope with challenges of the 21st century. Marine Pollution Bulletin 85: 8-23. LINK
Lorenzen, K. (2014) Managing fisheries enhancements. In: Sass, G.G. & Allen, M.S. Foundations of Fisheries Science. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society. pp. 649-657. PDF
Sidman, C., Lorenzen, K., Sebastien, R. Magloire, A., Cruickshank-Howard, J., Hazell, J. & Masters, J. (2014) Toward a sustainable Caribbean FAD fishery: an analysis of use, profitability and shared governance. Technical paper 206, Florida Sea Grant. LINK
Barbour, A.B., Adams, A.J. & Lorenzen, K. (2014) Size-based, seasonal, and multidirectional migrations of an estuarine fish in a habitat mosaic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 507: 263-276. PDF
Hazlerigg, C.R.E., Tyler, C.R., Lorenzen, K., Wheeler, J.R. & Thorbek, P. (2014) Population relevance of toxicant mediated changes in sex ratio in fish: an assessment using an individual-based zebrafish (Danio rerio) model. Ecological Modeling 280: 76-88. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (Section Editor) (2014) Managing Fisheries Enhancements In: Foundations of Fisheries Science. Edited by G.G. Sass & M.S. Allen. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society. pp. 649-789.
Trushenski, J. Blankenship, L., Bowker, J., Flagg, T., Hesse, J., Leber, K., Lorenzen, K., MacKinlay, D., Maynard, D., Moffitt, C., Mudrak, V., Scribner, K., Stuewe, S., Sweka, J., Whelan G. & Young-Dubovsky, C. (2014) AFS completes assessment, issues new guidance regarding hatchery operation and the use of hatchery-origin fish. Fisheries 39: 543-547. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Agnalt, A.L. Blankenship, H.L. Hines, A.H., Leber, L.M., Loneragan, N.R. & Taylor, M.D. (Editors) (2013) Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching. Reviews in Fisheries Science 21 (3-4). LINK
Lorenzen, K., Agnalt, A.L. Blankenship, H.L. Hines, A.H., Leber, L.M., Loneragan, N.R. & Taylor, M.D. (2013) Evolving context and maturing science: aquaculture-based enhancement and restoration enter the marine fisheries management toolbox. Reviews in Fisheries Science 21: 213-221. PDF
Taylor, M.D., Brennan, N.P., Lorenzen, K. & Leber, K.M. (2013) Generalized Predatory Impact Model: A numerical approach for assessing trophic limits to hatchery releases and controlling related ecological risks. Reviews in Fisheries Science 21: 341-353. PDF
Camp, E.V., Lorenzen, K., Ahrens, R.N.M., Barbieri, L. & Leber, K.M. (2013) Potentials and limitations of stock enhancement in marine recreational fisheries systems: an integrative review of Florida’s red drum enhancement. Reviews in Fisheries Science 21: 388-402. PDF
Martin, S., Lorenzen, K. & Bunnefeld, N. (2013) Fishing farmers: fishing, livelihood diversification and poverty in rural Laos. Human Ecology 41: 737-747. PDF
Barbour, A., Ponciano, J. & Lorenzen, K. (2013) Apparent survival estimation from continuous mark-recapture/resighting data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 846-853. PDF
Mintzer, V.J., Martin A.R., da Silva V.M.F, Barbour, A.B., Lorenzen, K. & Frazer, T.K. (2013) Effect of illegal harvest on apparent survival of Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis). Biological Conservation 153: 280-286. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Sutt, J., Hazell, J., Fluech, B., Monroe, M. (2013) Stakeholder perspectives on goliath grouper management: summary report. University of Florida/Florida Sea Grant. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2013) Integrative Fisheries Science: connecting disciplines, filling the management toolbox and engaging stakeholders to address complex fisheries challenges. Water Works (UF Fisheries Program Newsletter), December 2013. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Beveridge, M.C.M. & Mangel, M. (2012) Cultured fish: integrative biology and management of domestication and interactions with wild fish. Biological Reviews 87: 639-660. PDF
Hazlerigg, C.R.E., Lorenzen, K., Thorbek, P., Wheeler, J.R. & Tyler, C.R. (2012) Density-dependent processes in the life history of fishes: evidence from laboratory populations of zebrafish Danio rerio. PLOS One 7(5): e37550. LINK
Edwards C. T. T., Hillary R. M., Levontin P., Blanchard J. & Lorenzen K. (2012) Fisheries assessment and management: a synthesis of common approaches with special reference to deepwater and data-poor stocks. Reviews in Fisheries Science 20: 126-153. PDF
Brodziak, J., Ianelli, J., Lorenzen, K. & Methot, R (Editors).(2011) Estimating natural mortality in stock assessment applications. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-119. PDF
Martin, S. , Lorenzen, K., Arthur, R.I., Kaisone, P. & Souvannalangsy, K. (2011) Impacts of fishing by dewatering on fish assemblages of tropical floodplain wetlands: a matter of frequency and context. Biological Conservation 144: 633-640. PDF
Almeida, O., Lorenzen, K., McGrath, D.G., Rivero, S. & Amaral, L. (2011) Impacts of the co-management of subsistence fishing on Amazon fisheries. In: Pinedo-Vasquez M., E. Brondizio, C. Padoch and M. Ruffino. The Amazon Varzea: The Decade Past and the Decade Ahead. New York: Springer.
FAO (2011). Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Inland
Capture Fisheries. Rome, FAO. 2011. 106 pp. LINK
Lorenzen, K. (2011). Fisheries enhancement and restoration in the Aral Sea region. Report to GIZ German Aid. 40 pp. English: PDF Russian: PDF
Struve, J., Lorenzen, K., Blanchard, J., Börger, L., Bunnefeld, N., Edwards, C., Hortal, J., MacCall, A., Matthiopoulos, J., Van Moorter, B., Ozgul, A., Royer, F., Singh, N., Yesson, C. & Bernard, R. (2010) Lost in space? Searching for directions in the spatial modelling of individuals, populations and species ranges. (Meeting Report). Biology Letters 6: 575-578. PDF
McGrath, A.L. & Lorenzen, K. (2010) Management history and climate as key factors driving natterjack toad Bufo calamita population trends in Britain. Animal Conservation 13: 483-494. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Leber, K.M. & Blankenship, H.L. (2010) Responsible approach to marine stock enhancement: an update. Reviews in Fisheries Science 18: 189-210. PDF
Welcomme, R.L., Cowx, I.G. Coates, D. Béné, C., Funge-Smith, S., Halls, A.S. & Lorenzen, K. (2010) Inland capture fisheries. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365: 2881-2896. PDF
Bostock, J., McAndrew, B., Richards, R., Jauncey, K., Telfer, T., Lorenzen, K., Little, D., Ross, L., Handisyde, N. & Gatward, I. (2010) Aquaculture: global status and trends. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365: 2897-2912. PDF
Hervas, S., Lorenzen, K., Shane, M. & Drawbridge, M. (2010) Quantitative assessment of a white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis) stock enhancement program in California: Post-release dispersal, growth and survival. Fisheries Research 105: 237-243. PDF
FAO (2010) Report of the Expert Consultation on the Development of Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Inland Capture Fisheries. Rome, 25–27 May 2010. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report. No. 943. Rome, FAO. 2010. 37p. (Co-author of guidelines)
Welcomme, R.L., Bene, C., Coates, D., Cowx, I.G., Halls, A.S. & Lorenzen, K. (2010) Foresight Food and Farming Futures Project: Drivers review – inland fisheries. The Government Office for Science, London. 40 pp.
Crane, M. Grossa, M., Matthiessen, P. Ankleyc, G. Axford, S., Bjerregaarde, P., Brown, R., Chapman, P., Dorgeloh, M., Galay-Burgosi, M., Green, J., Hazlerigg, C., Janssen, J., Lorenzen, K., Parrottn, J. Rufli, H., Schäfers, C., Seki, M., Stolzenberg, H.C., van der Hoevens, N., Vethaak, D., Winfield, I., Wheeler, J & Zok, S. (2010) Multi-criteria decision analysis of test endpoints for detecting endocrine active substances in fish full life cycle tests. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 6: 378-389. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Steneck, R.S., Warner R.R., Parma, A.M., Coleman, F.C. & Leber, K.M. (2010) The spatial dimensions of fisheries: putting it all in place. Bulletin of Marine Science 86: 169-177. PDF
Arthur, R.I. , Lorenzen, K., Homekingkeo, P., Sidavong, K., Sanvilaikham, B. & Garaway, C.J. (2010) Assessing impacts of introduced aquaculture species on native fish communities: Nile tilapia and major carps in SE Asian freshwaters. Aquaculture 299: 81-88. PDF
Amilhat, E., Lorenzen, K., Morales, E.J., Yakupitiyage, A. & Little D.C. (2009) Fisheries production in Southeast Asian farmer managed aquatic systems (FMAS) II. Diversity of aquatic resources and management impacts on catch rates. Aquaculture 298: 57-63. PDF
Amilhat, E., Lorenzen, K., Morales, E.J., Yakupitiyage, A. & Little D.C. (2009) Fisheries production in Southeast Asian farmer managed aquatic systems (FMAS) I. Characterization of systems. Aquaculture 296: 219-226. PDF
Almeida O., Lorenzen K. & McGrath D.G. (2009) Fishing agreements in the Lower Amazon: for gain and restraint. Fisheries Management and Ecology 16: 61-67. PDF
Martelo, J., Lorenzen, K., Crossa, M. & McGrath, D.G. (2008) Habitat associations of exploited fish populations in the lower Amazon river-floodplain system. Freshwater Biology 53: 2455-2464. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2008) Fish population regulation beyond ‘stock and recruitment’: the role of density-dependent growth in the recruited stock. Bulletin of Marine Science 83: 181-196. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2008) Understanding and managing enhancement fisheries systems. Reviews in Fisheries Science 16:10-23. PDF
Almeida, O., McGrath, D.G., Rivero, S. & Lorenzen, K. (2008) Impacto del co-manejo pesquero sobre la pesca en la Amazonia brasileña: caracterización, análisis multiagentes e interacciones. In: Pinedo, D. & Soria, E. (Eds.) El Manejo de las Pesquerias en Rios de Sudamerica. Ottawa: IDRC. p. 201-209.
Lorenzen, K., Smith, L., Nguyen Khoa, S., Burton, M. & Garaway, C. (2007) Guidance Manual: Management of Impacts of Irrigation Development on Fisheries. Colombo: International Water Management Institute. 161 pp. [ISBN 978-9290907107] PDF
Lorenzen, K. & Sukumasavin, N. (2007) A conservation strategy for the Mekong giant catfish. Catch and Culture – The Mekong River Commission Fisheries Newsletter 13(1) 22-25. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Almeida, O., Arthur, R., Garaway, C. & Nguyen Khoa, S. (2006) Aggregated yield and fishing effort in multi-species fisheries: an empirical analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 1334-1343. PDF
Bell, J.D., Bartley, D.M., Lorenzen, K. & Loneragan, N.R. (2006) Restocking and stock enhancement of coastal fisheries: potential, problems and progress. Fisheries Research 80: 1-8. PDF
Garaway, C.J., Arthur, R.I., Chamsingh, B., Homekingkeo, P., Lorenzen, K., Saengvilaikham, B. & Sidavong, K. (2006) A social science perspective on stock enhancement outcomes: lessons learned from inland fisheries in southern Lao PDR. Fisheries Research 80: 37-45. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2006) Population management in fisheries enhancement: gaining key information from release experiments through use of a size-dependent mortality model. Fisheries Research 80: 19-27. PDF
Bell, J.D., Bartley, D.M., Lorenzen, K. & Loneragan, N.R. (2006) (Editors) Restocking and Stock Enhancement of Coastal Fisheries: Potential, Problems and Progress. Fisheries Research.80(1).
Almeida, O., Lorenzen, K., McGrath, D. & Amaral, L. (2006) O setor de pesca na economia regional. In: Almeida, O. (Ed.) Manejo de Pesca na Amazônia Brasileira. São Paulo: Peirópolis. pp. 25-36. [ISBN 857-5960547]
Almeida, O., Lorenzen, K. & McGrath, D. (2006) A frota comercial pesqueira na Amazônia e o co-manejo no Baixo Amazonas. In: Almeida, O. (Ed.) Manejo de Pesca na Amazônia Brasileira. São Paulo: Peirópolis. pp. 37-50. [ISBN 857-5960547]
Almeida, O., Lorenzen, K. & McGrath, D. (2006) Pescadores rurais de pequena escala e o co-manejo no Baixo Amazonas. In: Almeida, O. (Ed.) Manejo de Pesca na Amazônia Brasileira. São Paulo: Peirópolis. pp. 51-72. [ISBN 857-5960547]
Lorenzen, K., Almeida, O. & Azevedo, C. (2006) Interações entre a pesca comercial e a de subsistência no Baixo Amazonas: utilizando um modelo bio-econômico. In: Almeida, O. (Ed.) Manejo de Pesca na Amazônia Brasileira. São Paulo: Peirópolis. pp. 73-94. [ISBN 857-5960547]
Lorenzen, K. (2006) Fisheries Enhancement. In: Aquaculture Compendium (Electronic reference publication) Wallingford, UK: CAB International. 15 pp.
Lorenzen, K. (2006) Population Dynamics. In: Aquaculture Compendium. (Electronic reference publication) Wallingford, UK: CAB International. 20 pp.
Medley, P.A.H. & Lorenzen, K. (2006) EnhanceFish: A decision support tool for aquaculture-based fisheries enhancement. Imperial College London. Open-source freeware, available from this LINK
Lorenzen, K. & Medley, P.A.H. (2006) EnhanceFish Manual. Imperial College London. 95 pp. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2006) EnhanceFish Guide for use in management. Imperial College London. 36 pp. PDF
Morales, E.J., Little, D.C., Immink, A., Demaine, H., Yakupitayage, A., Amilhat, E. & Lorenzen, K. (2006) Contribution of self-recruiting species produced in farmer-managed aquatic systems in rural areas of Southeast Asia to food consumption.. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 19: 759-760. PDF
Amilhat, E. & Lorenzen, K. (2005) Habitat use, migration pattern and population dynamics of chevron snakehead Channa striata in a rainfed rice farming landscape. Journal of Fish Biology 67(Supplement B): 23-34. PDF
Nguyen Khoa, S., Lorenzen, K., Garaway, C., Chamsingh, B., Siebert, D.J. & Randone, M. (2005) Impacts of irrigation on fisheries in rain-fed rice-farming landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 892-900. PDF
Smith, L.E.D., Nguyen Khoa, S. & Lorenzen, K. (2005) Livelihood functions of inland fisheries: policy implications in developing countries. Water Policy 7: 359-383. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2005) Population dynamics and potential of fisheries stock enhancement: practical theory for assessment and policy analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 360: 171-189. PDF
Nguyen Khoa, S., Smith, L. & Lorenzen, K. (2005) Impacts of irrigation on inland fisheries: appraisals in Laos and Sri Lanka. Comprehensive Assessment Research Report 7. International Water Management Institute, Colombo. [ISBN 92-90905913]
Nguyen Khoa, S., Smith, L. & Lorenzen, K. (2005) Adaptive, participatory and integrated assessment (APIA) of the impacts of irrigation on fisheries. IWMI Working Paper 89. International Water Management Institute, Colombo. [ISBN 92-90905859] PDF
Struve, J., Tagg, A. Panzeri, M. & Lorenzen, K. (2005) A screening tool to characterize and quantify urban diffuse pollution in Scotland and Northern Ireland. In: Horan, N.J. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Third CIWEM National Conference. pp 7-20. London: The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management. [ISBN 1-903958-14-8].
Lorenzen, K. (2005) Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching: Developments, Pitfalls and Opportunities (Ed. K.M. Leber, S. Kitada, H.L. Blankenship & T. Svasand). Journal of Fish Biology 67: 1754-1755. PDF
Burford, M.A. & Lorenzen, K. (2004) Modelling nitrogen dynamics in intensive aquaculture ponds: the role of sediment remineralization. Aquaculture 229: 129-145. PDF
Arthington A.H., Lorenzen K., Pusey B.J., Abell R., Halls, A., Winemiller K.O., Arrington D.A. & Baran E. (2004) River fisheries: ecological basis for management and conservation. In: Welcomme, R.L. & Petr, T. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries. Vol. 1 pp. 31-60. Bangkok: FAO. [ISBN 974-7946645] PDF
Hartmann, W., Dugan, P., Funge-Smith, S., Hortle, K.G., Kuemlangan, B., Lorenzen, K., Marmulla, G., Mattson, N. & Welcomme, R.L. (2004) People and Fisheries Management. In: Welcomme, R.L. & Petr, T. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries. Vol. 1 pp. 61-92. Bangkok: FAO. [ISBN 974-7946645] PDF
Almeida, O.T. & Lorenzen, K. & McGrath, D.T. (2004) The fisheries sector in the Amazon regional economy. In: Welcomme, R.L. & Petr, T. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries. Vol. 2 pp. 15-24. Bangkok: FAO. [ISBN 974-7946653] PDF
GWP (2004) Integrating fisheries considerations into irrigation planning and management. Global Water Partnership – Water Policy Briefing 12. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2004/5) Nature and Culture: Comparative Biology and Interactions of Wild and Farmed Fish (Conference retrospective). FSBI Newsletter 4/2004 and Aquaculture Europe 2/2005.
Agnew, D.J., Marlow, T.R, Arkhipkin, A., Lorenzen, K., Pompert, J., Purchase, L.V., Tingley, G.A. & Wakeford, R. (2003) The influence of Drake Passage oceanography on the parasitic infection of individual year classes of southern blue whiting (Micromestistius australis). Marine Ecology Progress Series 254: 281-291. PDF
Almeida, O.T., Lorenzen, K. & McGrath, D.G. (2003) Commercial fishing in the Brazilian Amazon: regional differentiation in fleet characteristics and efficiency. Fisheries Management and Ecology 10: 109-115. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2003) Whirling Disease: Reviews and Current Topics (Ed. J.L. Bartholomew & C.J. Wilson). Fish and Fisheries 4: 177 PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2003) Animal Domestication and Behavior (E.O. Price). Fish and Fisheries 4: 176 PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2002) A scientist in no-man’s land: bridging the gap between fisheries and aquaculture. Aquaculture News 28: 12.
Lorenzen, K. & Welcomme, R.L. (2001) Stocking. In: Inland Fisheries: Ecology and Management. Compiled by R.L. Welcomme. Oxford: Blackwell Science. pp. 241-253. [ISBN 978-9251045459]
Viner, K., Ahmed, M., Bjorndal, T. & Lorenzen, K. (2006) Development of fisheries co-management in Cambodia: a case study and its implications. WorldFish Center Discussion Series 2. WorldFish Center, Penang. PDF
Michielsens, C.J., Lorenzen, K., Phillips, M.J., & Gautier, R. (2002) Asian carp farming systems: towards a typology and increased resource use efficiency. Aquaculture Research. 33: 403-413. PDF
Lorenzen, K. & Enberg, K. (2002) Density-dependent growth as a key mechanism in the regulation of fish populations: evidence from among-population comparisons. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 269: 49-54. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2000) Population dynamics and management. In: Tilapias: Biology and Exploitation. Edited by M.C.M. Beveridge & B.J. McAndrew. Dordrecht: Kluwer. pp. 163-225. [ISBN 978-0792363910] PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2000) Allometry of natural mortality as a basis for assessing optimal release size in fish stocking programmes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 2374-2381. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2002) Modelling for decision support in aquaculture management. European Aquaculture Society Special Publication 32: 74-77.
Lorenzen, K., Amarasinghe, U.S., Bartley, D.M., Bell, J.D., Bilio, M., de Silva, S.S., Garaway, C.J., Hartmann, W.D., Kapetsky, J.M., Laleye, P., Moreau, J., Sugunan, V.V. & Swar, D.B (2001) Strategic review of enhancements and culture-based fisheries. In: Aquaculture in the Third Millennium. Rome: FAO. pp. 221-237. [ISBN 974-7313553] PDF
Garaway, C., Lorenzen, K. & Chamsingh, B. (2001) Developing fisheries enhancements in small waterbodies: lessons from Lao PDR and Northeast Thailand. In: de Silva, S.S. (Ed.) Reservoir and Culture-Based Fisheries: Biology and Management. ACIAR Proceedings 98. Canberra: ACIAR. pp. 227-234. [ISBN 0 642 45694 1] PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2001) Using population models to assess culture-based fisheries: a brief review with an application to the analysis of stocking experiments. In: de Silva, S.S. (Ed.) Reservoir and Culture-Based Fisheries: Biology and Management. ACIAR Proceedings 98. Canberra: ACIAR. pp. 257-265. [ISBN 0642456941] PDF
Nguyen-Khoa, S., Lorenzen, K., Garaway, C.J., Arthur, R. Chamsingh, B., Litdamlong, D., Innes-Taylor, N. & Siebert, D. (2001) Impacts of irrigation development on small-scale aquatic resources: a case study of southern Laos. Proceedings of the Workshop on Land-Water Linkages in Rural Watersheds. FAO Land and Water Bulletin 9. 2 pp.
Nguyen-Khoa, S. 8, Lorenzen, K., Smith, L. & Garaway, C.J (2001) Complexity and decision-making, an application to the management of irrigation impacts on tropical fisheries. Actes Colloq. IFREMER 33: 70-71.
Lorenzen, K. (1999) Nitrogen recovery from shrimp pond effluent: dissolved N removal has greater overall recovery potential than particulate N removal, but requires higher rates of water exchange than presently used. Aquaculture Research 30: 923-927. PDF
Cowan, V.J., Lorenzen, K. & Funge-Smith, S.J. (1999) Impact of culture intensity and monsoon season on water quality in Thai commercial shrimp ponds. Aquaculture Research 30: 123-133. PDF
Mazumder, D. & Lorenzen, K. (1999) Developing aquaculture of small native species (SNS) in Bangladesh: village level agroecological change and the availability of SNS. NAGA – The ICLARM Quarterly. 22(3): 20-23. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Garaway, C.J., Chamsingh, B. & Warren, T.J. (1998) Effects of access restrictions and stocking on small water body fisheries in Laos. Journal of Fish Biology 53 (Supplement 1) 345-357. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Juntana, J., Bundit, J. & Tourongruang, D. (1998) Assessing culture fisheries practices in small water bodies: a study of village fisheries in Northeast Thailand. Aquaculture Research. 29: 211-224. PDF
Lorenzen, K. & Garaway C.J. (1998) How predictable is the outcome of stocking? FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 374: 133-152. [ISBN 925-1041385] PDF
Lorenzen, K. (1998) Culture-based fisheries in Asian Reservoirs and Lakes: Key Issues for Sustainability. In: Aquaculture Sustainability and the Environment. Manila/Bangkok: Asian Development Bank/Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia-Pacific, pp. 321-327.
Lorenzen, K., Xu, G., Cao, F., Ye, J. & Hu, T. (1997) Analysing extensive fish culture systems by transparent population modelling: bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson 1845), culture in a Chinese reservoir. Aquaculture Research 28: 867-880. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Struve, J. & Cowan, V.J. (1997) Impact of farming intensity and water management on nitrogen dynamics in intensive pond culture: a mathematical model applied to Thai commercial shrimp ponds. Aquaculture Research 28: 493-507. PDF
Beddington, J.R., Lorenzen, K. & Payne, A.I. (1997) Limits to exploitation of capture fisheries. In: Developing and Sustaining World Fisheries Resources: The State of Science and Management. Edited by D.A. Hancock, D.C. Smith, A. Grant & J.P. Beumer. Collingwood, Australia: CSIRO. pp. 529-536. [ISBN 0643059857]
Lorenzen, K. (1996) The relationship between body weight and natural mortality in fish: a comparison of natural ecosystems and aquaculture. Journal of Fish Biology 49: 627-647. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (1996) A simple von Bertalanffy model for density-dependent growth in extensive aquaculture, with an application to common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Aquaculture 142: 191-205. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (1995) Population dynamics and management of culture-based fisheries. Fisheries Management and Ecology 2: 61-73. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (1993) Fish Diseases (Ed. W. Schaeperclaus, H. Kulow and K. Schreckenbach). Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 3: 379-380.
Lorenzen, K. (1993) Asian culture-based reservoir fisheries: population dynamics modelling and adaptive management. EIFAC (European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission) Occasional Paper No. 28, pp. 25-38. Rome: FAO.
Lorenzen, K. (1993) Acquired immunity to infectious diseases in fish: implications for the interpretation of fish disease surveys. In: Fish: Ecotoxicology and Ecophysiology. Edited by T. Braunbeck, W. Hanke & H. Segner. Weinheim/New York: Verlag Chemie. pp. 183-196. [ISBN 978-3527300105] PDF
Lorenzen, K. & Dixon, P.F. (1991) Prevalence of antibodies to lymphocystis virus in estuarine flounder, Platichthys flesus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 11: 99-103. PDF
Lorenzen, K., des Clers, S.A., & Anders, K. (1991) Population dynamics of lymphocystis disease in estuarine flounder, Platichthys flesus (L.). Journal of Fish Biology 39: 577-587. PDF