Effective management of aquatic resources often requires combining multiple technical measures (e.g. harvest regulation, habitat management and hatchery enhancement), integrating biological/technical with social/economic considerations, and creating reciprocal links between research and management. We develop integrative concepts, tools and processes that allow scientists and stakeholders to ‘put the pieces together’.
Representative publications
If you can’t access a paper you are interested in, email Kai Lorenzen (klorenzen@ufl.edu) to receive it for free.
Garlock, T, Anderson, J. Asche, F. Smith, M.D., Camp, E., Chu, J., Lorenzen, K. & Vannuccini, S. (2022). Global insights on managing fishery systems for the three pillars of sustainability. Fish and Fisheries 23: 899-909. LINK
Twardek, W. Cowx, I.G., Lapointe, N.W.R., Paukert, C., Beard, T.Asche, F., Garlock, T.M., Anderson, J.L., Bush, S.R., Smith, M.D., Anderson, C.M., Chu, J., Garrett, K.A., Lem, A., Lorenzen, K., Oglend, A., Tveteras, S. & Vanniccini, S. (2018). Three pillars of sustainability in fisheries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: 11221-11225. LINK
Lorenzen, K., Ainsworth, C.H., Baker, S.M., Barbieri, L.R., Camp, E.V., Dotson, J.R., Lester, S.E. (2017) Climate change impacts on Florida’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors and options for adaptation. In: E.P. Chassignet, J.W. Jones, V. Misra & J. Obeysekera. (Eds.) Florida’s Climate: Changes, Variations, & Impacts. pp. 427-455. Gainesville, FL: Florida Climate Institute. LINK
Lynch, A.J., Cowx, I.G., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Glaser, S.M., Phang, S.C., Beard, T.D., Bower, S.D., Brooks, J.L., Bunnell, D.B., Claussen, J.E., Cooke, S.J., Kao, Y.-C., Lorenzen, K., Myers, B.J.E., Reid, A.J., Taylor, J.J. & Youn, S. (2017) Inland fisheries – invisible but integral to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda for ending poverty by 2030. Global Environmental Change 47: 167-173. LINK
Lynch, A.J., Cooke, S.J., Beard, T.D., Kao, Y.-C., Lorenzen, K., Song, A.M., Allen, M.S. Basher, Z., Bunnell, D.B., Camp, E.V., Cowx, I.G. Freedman, J.A., Nguyen, V.M., Nohner, J. K., Rogers, M.W. Siders, Z.A., Taylor, W.W. & Youn. S. (2017) Grand challenges in the management and conservation of North American inland fish and fisheries. Fisheries 42: 115-124. LINK
Cooke, S.J., Allison, E.H., Beard, T.D., Arlinghaus, R., Arthington, A.H., Bartley, D.M., Cowx, I.G., Fuentevilla, C., Leonard, N.J., Lorenzen, K., Lynch, A.J., Nguyen, V.M., Youn, S.-J., Taylor, W.W. & Welcomme, R.L. (2016) On the sustainability of inland fisheries: Finding a future for the forgotten. Ambio 45: 753-764. LINK
Arlinghaus, R., Lorenzen, K., Johnson, B.M., Cooke, S.J. & Cowx, I.G. (2016) Management of freshwater fisheries: addressing habitat, people and fishes. In: Craig, J.F., Freshwater Fisheries Ecology. pp. 557-579. Chichester, UK: Wiley. LINK
Lorenzen, K. (2014) Understanding and managing enhancements: why fisheries scientists should care. Journal of Fish Biology 85: 1807-1829. PDF
Sale, P.F. Agardy, T., Ainsworth, C.H., Feist B.E., Bell, J.D., Christie, P., Hoegh-Guldberg., O., Mumby, P.J., Feary, D.H., Saunders, M.I., Daw, T.M., Foale, S.J., Levin, P.S., Lindeman, K.C., Lorenzen, K., Pomeroy, R.S. Allison, E.H., Bradbury, R.H., Corrin, J., Edwards, A.J., Oburat, D.O., Sadovy de Mitcheson, Y., Samoilys, M. A., Sheppard, C.R.C. (2014) Transforming management of tropical coastal seas to cope with challenges of the 21st century. Marine Pollution Bulletin 85: 8-23. LINK
Camp, E.V., Lorenzen, K., Ahrens, R.N.M., Barbieri, L. & Leber, K.M. (2013) Potentials and limitations of stock enhancement in marine recreational fisheries systems: an integrative review of Florida’s red drum enhancement. Reviews in Fisheries Science 21: 388-402. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Leber, K.M. & Blankenship, H.L. (2010) Responsible approach to marine stock enhancement: an update. Reviews in Fisheries Science 18: 189-210. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Steneck, R.S., Warner R.R., Parma, A.M., Coleman, F.C. & Leber, K.M. (2010) The spatial dimensions of fisheries: putting it all in place. Bulletin of Marine Science 86: 169-177. PDF
Lorenzen, K. (2008) Understanding and managing enhancement fisheries systems. Reviews in Fisheries Science 16:10-23. PDF
Lorenzen, K., Smith, L., Nguyen Khoa, S., Burton, M. & Garaway, C. (2007) Guidance Manual: Management of Impacts of Irrigation Development on Fisheries. Colombo: International Water Management Institute. 161 pp. [ISBN 978-9290907107] PDF