Postdoctoral colleagues
Dr. May Lehmensiek, PostDoc (2021 – 2022) Lake Malombe (Malawi) fisheries enhancement. Now: Conservation Social Scientist for the Florida Keys, Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute.
Dr. Chelsey Crandall, PostDoc (2016 – 2020) Human dimensions of recreational fisheries management. Now: Head of the Center for Conservation Social Science, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Dr. Edward V. Camp, PostDoc (2014 – 2016) Quantitative fisheries science. Now: AssociateProfessor, University of Florida.
Dr. Jynessa Dutka-Gianelli, PostDoc (2012 – 2017) Ecology and management snook fisheries. Now: Research Fellow, Gloucester Marine Station, University of Massachusetts
Dr. Julia Blanchard, Research Fellow (2010), Imperial College. Population and ecosystem modelling. Now: Professor, University of Tasmania, Australia.
Dr. Charles Edwards, Research Associate (2009-2010), Imperial College. Southern Ocean & deep sea fisheries. Now: Stock Assessment Scientist, NIWA, Wellington, New Zealand
Dr. Polina Levontin, Research Associate (2009-2010), Imperial College. Deep sea fisheries assessment. Now: Imperial College London.
Dr. Pia Orr, Research Associate (2008-2010), Imperial College. Falkland Islands fisheries assessment.
Dr. Marine Pomarede, Research Associate (2008-2010), Imperial College. Review of fisheries research coordination between EU and third countries. Now: Stock Assessment Scientist, New Zealand Seafood Industry Council, Wellington, New Zealand.
Dr. Richard Hillary, Research Lecturer (2008-2009), Imperial College. Fisheries Assessment Methodology Now: CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart, Australia.
Dr. Caroline Garaway, Postdoc (1999 – 2002), Imperial College. Social and institutional analysis of fisheries. Now: Professor, Department of Anthropology, University College London
Ph.D. Students
Dr. May Lehmensiek, Ph.D. Student (2016 – 2021) Occupational attachment and displacement in commercial fishermen. Now: Conservation Social Scientist for the Florida Keys, Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute.
Dr. Claudia Friess, Ph.D. Student (2015-2018) Management strategies for goliath grouper (Advised jointly with Dr. Robert Ahrens). Now: Postdoc, Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute.
Dr. Susana Hervas-Avila, Ph.D. Student (2014 – 2018) Conflict in the management of the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery. Now: Postdoc in the lab.
Dr. Izharuddin Kamaruddin, Ph.D. Student (2013 – 2017) Human dimensions of pier angling in Florida (Advised jointly with Dr. Taylor Stein). Now: Lecturer, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Dr. Chelsey Crandall, Ph.D. Student (2012 – 2016) Participatory spatial management of Florida coastal sport fisheries (Advised jointly with Dr. Martha Monroe). Now: Head of the Center for Conservation Social Science, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Dr. Taryn Garlock, Ph.D. Student (2011 – 2015) Integrative assessment of fisheries enhancements (Advised jointly with Dr. Colette St. Mary). Now: Assistant Professor, Auburn University.
Dr. Michael Matthews, Ph.D. Student (2011 – 2015) Evaluation of Florida largemouth bass hatchery programs. Now: Manager, A. E. Wood Fish Hatchery, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Dr. Edward V. Camp, Ph.D. Student (2011 -2014) Quantitative assessment of Florida marine fisheries enhancements (Advised jointly with Dr. Sherry Larkin). Now: Assistant Professor, University of Florida.
Dr. Vanessa Mintzer, Ph.D. Student (2010 – 2013) Conservation of the Amazon boto (Advised jointly with Dr. Thomas Frazer). Now: Research and Conservation Fellow, Galveston Bay Foundation.
Dr. Andrew Buhl Barbour, Ph.D. Student (2010 – 2013) Ecology of juvenile snook (Centropomus undecimalis) (Advised jointly with Dr. Don Behringer). Now: PostDoc, Medical University of South Carolina.
Dr. Alice Rogers, PhD Student (2007 – 2011), Imperial College. Recovery dynamics of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum and the potential for active rebuilding strategies Now: Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Dr. Charles Hazlerigg, PhD student (2007 -2011), Imperial College. Population dynamics of zebrafish in laboratory and semi-natural habitats (Joint with Professor Charles Tyler, University of Exeter). Now: Environmental Risk Assessor, Enviresearch Ltd., Newcastle, UK.
Dr. Sarah Martin, PhD Student (2006 – 2010), Imperial College. Bio-economic modelling of tropical multi-species fisheries. Now: Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
Dr. Anna McGrath, PhD Student (2004-2009), Imperial College. Quantitative assessment of conservation management for the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita). Now: Environmental consulting, London, UK.
Dr. Paolo Casula, PhD student (2002 – 2008), Imperial College. Functional agrobiodiversity: the role of natural enemy biodiversity in pest control (Co-supervised with Prof Matt Thomas, now Penn State). Now: Scientific Civil Service, Sardinia, Italy.
Dr. Polina Levontin, PhD Student (2003 – 2007), Imperial College. Management strategy evaluation for Baltic salmon (Co-supervised with Dr Murdoch McAllister). Now: Research Associate, Imperial College London.
Dr. Rebecca Whitlock, PhD Student (2003 – 2007), Imperial College. Population modelling of Fraser River White Sturgeon (Co-supervised with Dr Murdoch McAllister). Now: Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute
Dr. Elsa Amilhat, PhD Student (2002 – 2006), Imperial College. Fisheries ecology of rice farming landscapes. Now: Research Scientist, Univ. Perpignan, France
Dr. Sophie Nguyen Khoa, RA & PhD Student (1999 – 2005), Imperial College. Managing impacts of irrigation development on small-scale aquatic resources. Now: Research Scientist, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dr. Oriana Almeida, RA and p/t PhD Student (1999 – 2003). Fisheries management in the Brazilian Amazon. Now: Senior Scientist, IPAM, Brazil
Dr. Robert Arthur, PhD Student (1999 – 2003). Adaptive learning in fisheries development. Now: Senior Consultant, Marine Resources Assessment Group Ltd., London, UK.
M.S. Students
Ryan Henry, M.S. Student (2021-2024) Hurricane impacts on Shoal Bass in the Chipola River, Florida. Now: Biological Scientist, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Jessica Sutt, M.S. Student (2012 -2014) Stakeholder perspectives on goliath grouper management (Advised jointly with Dr. Martha Monroe). Now: Refuge Operations Specialist at Florida Panther & Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuges).
Christopher Monk, M.S. Student (2011 – 2013) Domestication effects on behavioral syndromes in fish (Advised jointly with Dr. Colette St. Mary). Now: Research Group Leader, Geomar, Kiel University, Germany.
Professional (non-thesis) Masters students
Charlotte Marin, MFAS Student (2021 – 2023).
Kelly Samek, MFAS Student (2016 – 2020). Legal and Southeastern lead, National Sea Grant Office.
Mike Lagua, MFAS Student (2014 – 2016). Program Manager, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Thalita Ribeiro, MFAS Student (2014 – 16)
Sabbatical visitors
Dr. Elineide Marques, Visiting Professor (2016), Amazon dams & fisheries (Home: Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil)
Riviere Sebastien, Visiting Research Scholar (2011 – ) Caribbean fisheries (Sponsored by Florida Sea Grant and mentored jointly with Dr. Charles Sidman). Chief Fisheries Officer, Commonwealth of Dominica
Dr. Carolina Doria, Visiting Professor (2014-2015), Amazon dams & fisheries (Home: Federal University Rondônia, Brazil)
Alice Lima, Visiting Graduate Student (2015), Amazon dams & fisheries (Home: Federal University Rondônia, Brazil)
Dr. Michele Burford, Academic Visitor (March/April 2001). Modelling nitrogen dynamics in shrimp ponds. Home: Centre for Riverine Landscapes, Griffiths University
Professor Md. Rezaul Hasan, Academic Visitior (January/February 2002). Assessment of aquaculture-based fisheries. Home: FAO Fisheries Department
MSc project students at Imperial College London
Jennifer Swanstrom (2009)
Historic biogeography of East African freshwater fish faunas.
(joint with Dr Martin Genner, Bristol University)
Michael Wyman (2009)
Development of biobullets for invasive sea-squirts.
(joint with Dr David Aldridge, Cambridge University)
Emma Heywood (2009)
ECOSIM modelling of the Scottish west coast ecosystem
(joint with Dr Sheila Heymans, SAMS)
Mark Stevenson (2009)
Dispersal and population dynamics of stocked red drum in Tampa Bay
Ruth Westcott (2008)
Shrimping and saving: an investigation into the sustainability of supermarket prawns, and certification as a mechanism for change
Michelle Taylor (2007)
Modelling stock enhancement potential for snook in Florida
Zia Lewindon (2007)
Water vole habitat requirements
Susana Hervas (2007)
Assessment of the California white seabass stocking programme using release-recapture data.
Richard Peagam (2007)
Impacts of rice farming practices on on-farm aquatic biodiversity
Andrea Nuesse (2007)
Rice farming systems in Northeast Thailand
Marieke Beckmann (2007)
Institutional issues in the management of a shared river basin in Northeast Thailand.
Laura Street (2006)
A critical appraisal of local people’s involvement in wetland planning in the Mekong region
Joana Martelo (2006)
Establishing habitat preferences of Amazon fish from fisheries monitoring data
Jonathan Pearson (2006)
A framework for ecological assessment of small hydropower plants
Jonathan Miller (2006)
GIS-based water management planning for the London Wetlands Centre
Etienne Boisnier (2005)
Artificial reefs as tools for biodiversity conservation
Yee Chow (2005)
Tsunami damage to aquaculture in Banda Aceh
Linda Thordal (2005)
Fish community dynamics in the London Wetland Centre
Edward Santry (2005)
The conservation role of British zoos
Anna McGrath (2004)
Introduction of grass snakes to the London Wetlands Centre: a feasibility study
James McNamara (2004)
Tropical inland aquatic ecosystem responses to fishing pressure
Katie Redmond (2004)
Bringing the river to life? Myths, motivations and practicalities of community involvement in urban river restoration
Anna Collins (2004)
The effects of physical habitat modifications on macro-invertebrate communities of south London rivers
Stuart Pankhurst (2004)
Climate change impacts on ectotherms in the Australian wet tropics: the field optimal thermal habitat measure
Kate Viner (2004)
Community fisheries in Cambodia: An institutional analysis of co-management arrangements
Graham Cookson (2004)
Poverty alleviation and Cambodian fisheries: co-management in the Cambodian Mekong
Ulrike Killguss (2003)
Bio-economic analysis of commercial fishing in the lower Amazon: spatial change 1990-2002
Sonia Fevre (2003)
Environmental education in the development of marine reserves in peninsular Malaysia
Alexia Tamblyn (2003)
Ecotourism development in the coastal zone of the Perhentian Islands (Malaysia): a stakeholder analysis
Raquibul Amin (2002)
Livelihoods impacts of irrigation development in Laos
Jessica Ellis (2002)
Determination of suitable sites for marine protected areas in Taytay Bay, Philippines, utilizing ecological habitat classification techniques.
Mauro Randone (2002)
Developing an index of biotic integrity for Mekong wetlands based on fish species assemblages
Emily White (2001)
Valuation of alternative water uses in Sri Lanka
Eve Oatley (2001)
Impacts of irrigation development on local-scale fish migrations
Lisa Peirce (2001)
Development of a monitoring strategy for fisheries impacts of the Nam Theun II hydroelectric dam
Caroline Soubry (2001)
Factors affecting the role of self-recruiting species in Asian aquaculture
Robert Banes (2001)
Certification of small-scale fisheries in developing countries
Esther Bertram (2000)
Environmental impacts of refugee camps at the Thai-Burmese border
Tanya O’Garra (2000)
Ecotourism development in a marine protected area, Mexico
Maya Tamimi (2000)
Potential for co-management of coastal fisheries, Indonesia
Sandra Paul (2000)
The origins of nature conservation in Africa and Europe – a comparative analysis
Catherine Michielsens (1999)
Resource use efficiency in Asian carp farming systems
Fiona Hindley (1999)
Environmental impact of seaweed farming in the Philippines
Mitsuaki Hosono (1999)
Institutional issues in woodland management, Kenya
Julia Cheftel (1998)
Potential of genetically male tilapias (GMT) for small-scale farmers in the Philippines
Katherine McGough (1998)
Disease control decision making in Scottish salmon farms
Debashish Mazumder (1998)
The context of developing small native species for aquaculture in Bangladesh
Brian Lawlor (1997)
Population dynamics of coregonid enhancement in Lake Constance, Germany